Thursday, January 10, 2008

Play Day with Kiley & Kenna!

My friend Shelly's girls came to our house this week for some play time! For you non-adoption folks out there, Shelly, David, and two of their daughters have been in Vietnam since Dec. 21. They hope to come home next week with their new son, Kaden. You can follow their trip at

I figured that when we are half-way around the world, I will probably be dying for a glimpse of Will's face. I figured that Shelly & David are ready to see their biddies, even if it's just some quick snapshots. So, the pictures below are for you! :)

The kids had a great day! We did a craft project, ate PB&J, and played a lot of toys. Kenna and Will built with Legos for about an hour and a half in the afternoon - I even got to sit down and read a chapter in my new book! :) Both Kenna & Kiley played "flying to Vietnam" with the airplane and airport - and both of them acted out hugging their new little brother at the OKC airport. Too cute! Seriously, they are doing so great - Shelly's Mom is just a rockstar in my book for keeping all the balls in the air the last few weeks.

Can't wait to see you guys home safely in Oklahoma! Will says it's time for Kaden to get a Redhawks t-shirt!


Leigh said...

You are a good friend Paula. I am sure that Dave and Shelly truly appreciate you for helping Gran out and giving the girls a day to remember!

Cat Hibschman said...

Thanks to all Shelly's friend for helping with the children, meals and encouraging ya all

Bob said...

You're so thoughtful!! I hope you hear very soon the overwhelmingly exciting news of a referral! It can't be much longer, can it?

Carla C

Julie said...

You have such a good heart Paula.