Monday, January 21, 2008

Introducing Our Son!

We are so pleased to introduce you to our new son, David! He is 3-1/2 months old, and is located in Vinh Long, Vietnam right now. He was born a healthy 6.6 lbs and 19-1/2 inches long. We expect to travel to Vietnam to bring him home with us some time this summer.

How do you describe what it is like to see your child for the first time? Somehow words just don't really seem to really do it justice. Excited? Elated? Thrilled? Thankful? Yes, and yet so much more. I didn't know that it was actually physically possible to both laugh and cry at the same time, and yet, when we first heard about David, that is exactly what I did! We were so relieved to know that our hopes for this adoption would be fulfilled. We were so glad to be able to tell Will about his new brother. We are so thankful to God, from Whom all real blessings flow. Most of all, we are so exicted to have this little boy as our son!

The picture above was taken about a week after David was born. I'm sure that he has already grown and changed in the past few months. I can only imagine how he might look today. I wonder if he is starting to smile a bit. I dream about the sounds of his little coo first thing in the morning as he lies in bed. I think about his sweet little hands and feet, the smell of his hair. I wonder if he likes his bath or if he wails all the way through it.

Yet, I am at peace knowing that my God, who provided this amazing son for us, will count every hair on his head the next few months. My God, who has cared for me throughout my life, will tenderly care for David too. I thank God for blessing me with a peace that passes understanding on this one. I struggled the last few months wondering if our desire for another child would ever be filled. Now, I just thank the One who has filled that desire.


Heidi said...

What a handsome little guy. He looks so healthy, and I know from experience what a relief that is. We are soooo excited for your family, and we cannot wait to follow your story. You're right God has really blessed you with two beautiful children. We will pray that your wait is a short one, and he will be in your arms before you know it.

Heidi and Garrett

Bob said...

What a precious baby boy! How thrilling to have a new baby to fill your thoughts. Will's new brother is a cutie just like Will.

Congratulations again,
Carla C

Leslie & Shaune said...

Wow. congratulations. he is so sweet! you must be on cloud 9!

Nadra said...

Amen Sister. I am so happy for you guys. Can't wait to follow along as your journey unfolds. David is adorable!!!!

Sending hugs to all of you!

Unknown said...

I am so overjoyed for your family David looks so healthy and I hope he is in your arms soon. I am so bleesed by your positive posts you always bring focus when things and thoughts go aray.
Praise be to God!!!
Thank you Stormy

Kathy said...

Congratulations! My Adam is from Vinh Long and you can be sure hHe is being taken good care of there

Cindy said...

How exciting! I am sooo...happy for you and your family! May your wait and travel be short and quick! He is a doll!