Sunday, January 27, 2008

More Milestones!

We mailed off all of our acceptance papers this week for David's referral. We've filled out a LOT of papers and forms during this process, so it was great to do some paperwork that was actually enjoyable! :) Funny, what a difference that little guy's face makes in our outlook!

All of our paperwork should arrive with our agency on Monday, 1/28/08. In a slightly eerie coincidence, we mailed off our preliminary application to start our adoption process last year on 1/28/07. What a year it's been! It's fun to imagine what 1/28/09 might have to offer for us - hopefully, a totally normal, run-of-the-mill day at home with our two sons. Something to look forward to!
David's four-month birthday was also this weekend. I bet he is really starting to smile now. I hope so - I hope he is happy and content during this waiting time. Will's birthday is on Dec. 3, so when he was a baby, we celebrated Third Day every month. Nothing fancy, but some little treat just to mark the day - maybe an ice cream cone or a new pair of tiny shoes or a picnic in the park. So, I guess maybe we'll revive the tradition. David's birthday is the 26th, so Twenty-Sixth Day may become a regular occurrence in our house! This weekend, we all celebrated by sharing a big chocolate cupcake at one of our favorite neighborhood restaurants - Will's choice. I imagine 26th Day will be popular with both of the boys!


Heather M. said...

That is great news! We have started filling out the paperwork too. It's not so bad...enjoy the cupcakes! That sounds like a fun tradition!
Heather M.

Julie said...

Isn't that such a relief to get that paperwork sent off. I thought I was going to have a stroke last month waiting for the Dillon office to thaw out.

Cupcakes sound fun. Good tradition!!!

Natasha said...

Congratulations. I know your heart is overflowing with thankfulness and joy.
I look forward to following your journey.

Erin said...

Congratulations on getting all the paperwork sent off! Are you shopping and decorating yet? :)

Heather M. said...

Hi Paula, I hope our paperwork went over together! Maybe we'll end up traveling together. Oh, can I Please move up to the Waiting to Travel on your blogger list..please, please? I've waited so long to be on that list!!! hahahaha! No, really!:)

Hope you are having fun preparing for your new little guy!

Heather M.
Waiting to Travel for Caleigh in CanTho!