Thursday, May 17, 2007

Introducing Ourselves

We thought it was high time we introduced ourselves. We are Bill, Paula, and Will Cook, and we live in the Oklahoma City area. Will is four years old and the light of our lives. Now we are so excited that God is blessing us with the opportunity to adopt another son from Vietnam.

Some things about Bill:
  • He loves the mountains
  • He is in a medical field
  • He'll forever love his Baylor Bears
  • In some cultures he's tall enough to be considered a god (No kidding, he's more than 2 meters tall - a sure head-bonking issue in Vietnam!)

  • He travels a lot for his job

  • He works from home

  • He continues to follow the Chicago Cubs long after they deserve it!

Some things about Paula:

  • She is at home full-time with Will right now
  • She previously worked as an engineer
  • She is a great cook
  • She loves to garden
  • She likes to watch baseball and football games
  • She likes to read Agatha Christie mysteries and the Yada Yada Prayer Group novels
  • If she could, she would have a Starbucks Mocha every single day!

Some things about Will:

  • He's just so cute!
  • He wakes up early and happy each morning
  • He loves to play with Playmobil & Matchbox cars
  • He's excited about our upcoming trips, swimming lessons, & VBS this summer
  • He is so thrilled to be a new big brother soon
  • He likes to count to 100
  • He's really into baseball right now, but likes the Cracker Jacks best of all

Some things about our new son:

  • We don't know his name yet (hopefully soon!)
  • He may not even be born yet
  • We are hoping he will be less than a year old when we first meet him
  • He is going to have a baseball-themed bedroom
  • He will be from one of five orphanages in the south part of Vietnam
  • We already love him so much and we can't wait to meet him!


Cindy said...

Best introduction I've ever seen on a blog! Hope you have a fast and joyful journey!

Chuck and Jean Anne said...

Good start to your blog and good luck on the dossier to come!

(Wow...your husband is tall. 3 meters? That's over 9 feet. Can he dunk? Kidding!!!!)

Leigh said...

That is a great intro!

Will reminds me of my little guy...boys are just the best!

Bill, Paula & Will Cook said...

You caught our typo! Man, that really would be tall - and we'd be making a lot more money as a pro basketball player! :)


Julie said...

This is a great start to your blog. Looking forward to sharing the journey with you.

And I see you are Disney lovers like us.